5 top tips when embarking on a redundancy exercise We know that some businesses will be critically considering how to […]
Prior to Brexit and the removal of the freedom of movement, it was permissible for EEA nationals employed by an overseas branch to come to the UK to work and carry out business-related activities without restriction. That’s no longer the case…
Last week, the Supreme Court in Harpur Trust v Brazel held that a member of staff who only worked part of the year (in this case, term time only) is entitled to the same 5.6 weeks of statutory leave as those employees who work all year. The court made clear that employers should not base holiday entitlement calculations on the number of hours actually worked.
As of July 2022, the law surrounding fit notes and who can issue them has been updated by the Department for Work and Pensions. From July, they can be issued by nurses, pharmacists, occupational therapist and physiotherapists, in addition to doctors. A new fit note was also released in April 2022 with different requirements to the original, however, both are valid for the foreseeable future.
The High Potential Individual Visa route opened on 30 May 2022; it’s an entirely new route with the aim of attracting highly skilled individuals to the UK to help tackle its current high-skilled labour shortage.
We are delighted to announce the promotion of Emma Cousins to the role of Senior Associate. Emma has been with the firm since 2019 and, in that time, has become a trusted advisor to many of the firm’s clients, as well as taking the lead in expanding our employment law services to include a new business immigration offering.
As the war in Ukraine continues, many employers are seeking to support Ukrainian refugees by offering them work. If that applies to you, it’s important to carry out right to work checks on Ukrainian candidates before their employment commences
We are joining the IDAS Big Yorkshire Tour 2022 because we want to make sure that anyone subjected to domestic abuse or sexual violence can access support.
Wishful thinking employees (or somewhat despairing employers) may claim that clauses which restrict what they do after their employment has ended aren’t worth the paper they’re written on – but that’s often not the case.
Take advantage of the expertise of Torque Law’s specialist employment solicitors, and using practical scenarios and interactive exercises, delegates will gain essential knowledge and skills to handle a range of employment situations with increased confidence.
The topic of sexual harassment has received a fair amount of press attention recently following the Employment Tribunal case bought by Mr Finn against his employer, The British Bung Manufacturing Company Limited.
Without case law or scientific consensus, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published a statement this month to say that long Covid does not automatically qualify as a disability under the Equality Act 2010, unlike conditions like cancer, HIV and multiple sclerosis which are recognised in law as being deemed disabilities from point of diagnosis.
We’re often asked by employers what the ‘worst case scenario’ is for a claim which has been bought against their business or organisation and it’s useful to think of this in terms of what an Employment Tribunal could potentially award in compensation.
As we have reached the end of our financial year, we have been reflecting on what has been another busy 12 months. Here’s a summary of just a few of our achievements over the past year.
On 11 April 2022, the new Global Business Mobility (GBM) routes went live and aims to provide new solutions for overseas businesses seeking to establish a presence in, or moving staff to, the UK. There are five sub-categories with only one new category; the Secondment Worker route.
The Court of Appeal recently decided a ‘worker’ was entitled to receive a payment covering all of the periods during his engagement when he took holiday, but wasn’t paid for it. Understandably, this decision can be unsettling for many employers. However, we’d recommend that you take the following steps.
Emma Cousins, who has a keen interest in business immigration, has already reaped some rewards from our membership by recently attending some very insightful ILPA training sessions about engaging non-UK and Ireland migrants via sponsorship and other means.
In a post-Brexit world, many employers will now find that they need to engage workers who are subject to immigration control, for example, as sponsored workers under the points based system.
Today’s removal of Covid restrictions is likely to cause some dilemmas for employers. Employers will need to make decisions about the policies and procedures which are appropriate for their own workplaces. With further changes due to take effect from 1 April 2022.
On 17 February 2022, the Home Office closed the Tier 1 (Investor) route with immediate effect. The main impetus behind this decision follows Home Office concerns about security, specifically, whether those applying had obtained their wealth lawfully and legitimately and / or whether they had association with corruption, such that genuine investments weren’t being made in the UK.
We know that the pandemic resulted in an unprecedented increase in agile working practices, largely as a crisis response. Fast-forward 2 ½ years and flexible working is, once again, being talked about both as a retention tool, as well as an essential part of employers’ recruitment strategy in a candidate driven market.
We advise employers on all their HR legal issues – including apprenticeships. We can help you prepare compliant apprenticeship contracts and advise on what to do at the end of the relationship to avoid costly mistakes. We will be looking at the use of apprentices within your business at our FREE coffee morning on 7 July 2022. In the meantime, we hope that you find these apprenticeship FAQs useful. Please note that they apply to approved English apprenticeships under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children & Learning Act 2009.
The temporary adjustment to manual right to work checks is ending on 5 April 2022. However, after that date, it will continue to be possible to carry out remote right to work checks, using new technology introduced by the Home Office, for individuals with valid British or Irish passports.
Torque Law have formed a corporate partnership with IDAS, who are the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence.
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