Ms Burn was a consultant paediatric neurosurgeon under disciplinary investigation at Alder Hey Children’s’ NHS Hospital. The subject of the appeal was Ms Burn’s argument that a contractual right to see “any correspondence relating to the case” meant that Alder Hey was obliged to disclose to her all documentation relating to the investigation, which was in the possession of the investigator, not just correspondence generated because of the investigation.
Reforms to the UK’s SSP rules came into force on 17 December 2021, to reduce the burden placed on GP practices to enable them to concentrate on the rollout of the COVID-19 booster programme.
Having grappled with furlough, hybrid working and Brexit, many employers may think that the time has come for an easier ride, but there are still plenty of employment law challenges to come in 2022.
When the rest of us were wondering what day it was, Manchester Employment Tribunal were busy in the period between Christmas and New Year promulgating an important judgment in an interesting case looking at whether an employee’s genuine concern about contracting Covid-19 in her workplace and passing this on to vulnerable family members was sufficient to qualify for protection as the basis for a complaint of discrimination.
During 2021, the Employment Tribunals have grappled with numerous cases about the way employers have responded to the pandemic. There are a couple of key lessons to be learned.
Plan B measures come in to place from today, 13 December, in an attempt to stem the transmission of the Omicron variant, when it comes to the people’s working lives, the clear direction given to employers is that employees should now work from home, where possible. If you’re yet to decide fully on your planned response, here’s some of the important considerations to bear in mind.
Every year, we advise hundreds of senior executives and other employees on how to secure the best deal on their exit arrangements. If you’ve been approached to have a protected conversation by your employer and are concerned about what this means and what to do next.
We’re often approached about supporting senior executives through settlement agreements when individuals feel that they’re in the eye of the storm. Often they’ve had very successful careers and being asked to have a conversation about exiting the business feels well outside their comfort zone. In that situation we don’t take the role of simply advising on the terms of the proposed agreement, we take time to build confidence and trust by talking about the situation they find themselves in and to understand what the ‘best’ outcome might be for them.
We are delighted to be recognised in the top tier of legal firms in the North and East Yorkshire region for employment law, and the only firm to have two ranked solicitors.
The pandemic resulted in an unprecedented increase in agile working practices, largely as a crisis response. Now is the time for employers to embrace flexible working and the positive business benefits from promoting flexible working initiatives.
Our meet the team series continues as we introduce Susan Burnett, our Practice Manager.
An employee, who didn’t have any relevant ‘protected characteristics’ themselves, has been successful in her claim for indirect discrimination because of the association with her disabled mother.
Our meet the team series continues as we introduce Michelle Smith, our Business Development Manager.
The time that’s passed since we started Torque Law has gone in the blink of an eye. The steep learning curve of our early days will be shared with anyone who’s ever wondered “how hard can it be?” and started their own business. We thought it would be worth reflecting on some of our top 5s in that time.
Many of you will be familiar with the concepts of legal advice privilege and litigation privilege. In a nutshell: legal advice privilege protects the confidentiality of communications between clients and their lawyers, even where there is no prospective litigation; litigation privilege protects the confidentiality of communications between a client and its advisers (it doesn’t have to be a legal adviser) but only where litigation is in contemplation or existence.
Join us as for our festive case round up with coffee and mince pies.
Employers need to have a strategy and procedures in place to tackle the stigma attached to women experiencing the menopause and offering support to female employees at this time in their life. And fast!
Our meet the team series continues as we introduce Ellie Addinall, our Paralegal.
For a long time, many people have struggled to talk about their mental health, particularly in the workplace. As line managers, it is important to know your team, and recognise the signs that someone may be having difficulties.
Despite all restrictions set to soon be lifted, COVID-19 is very much here to stay, especially with the Delta variant being significantly more transmissible than the variant it has largely replaced. As the first unfair dismissal cases relating to COVID-19 work their way through the tribunal system, we can see some patterns emerging and important lessons for employers. In this blog, Ellie considers this evolving area of case law and highlights the key takeaways for employers looking to grapple with these issues longer term.
The topic of holidays seems to raise more issues for employers in 2021 than normal. We take a look at some of the key questions here.
Our meet the team series continues as we introduce Tori Jackson, our consultant employment law solicitor.
We are extremely proud to be a member of EIDA and an advocate for their important work. Each month we plan to bring you some useful information from EIDA and this month it's their fantastic Toolkit, recently updated to take into account the Domestic Abuse Act.
June is Pride Month. In this blog we consider the increasingly important subject of gender identity, in light of two recent cases, outlining the need for employers to ensure their policies and practices are truly inclusive.
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